note | 19.07.2024


An integrated technology approach for the recovery of critical raw materials and the recycling of PV modules

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© Photo: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH

Due to the expansion of solar power, the quantities of PV modules installed have risen sharply and are expected to continue to increase. These will become input material for the project at the end of their useful life. The critical raw materials contained in the modules (In, Ga, Al, Si, Ag) are to be recovered for the economic cycle.

The project has developed processes for gentle skimming, delamination and recovery of valuable materials. Project results to date demonstrate the functionality of the approach. The recycled silver, for example, is almost comparable to the primary material used in module production. 

bifa is supporting this project with life cycle analyses by creating various scenarios and life cycle inventories. Furthermore, waste streams and market data are collected, classified and evaluated and the achievement of an improved circular economy is measured with an indicator.

European Sustainable Energy Award 2024
A pilot plant with the process steps of skimming, delamination and recovery is currently being set up in Sachsen-Anhalt. At the beginning of June 2024, the project was honoured with the European Sustainable Energy Award 2024 in the ‘Innovation’ category. 

The project is funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 programme under grant number: 958223.