PHOTORAMA wins the prestigious European Sustainable Energy Week Innovation Award!
PHOTORAMA is delighted to have been honoured with the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2024 Innovation Award.

This award recognises outstanding achievements in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy and honours innovative projects and individuals who have made a significant impact in this area.
The Photorama project brings together partners from Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Norway and Belgium to improve the recycling of photovoltaic modules and the recovery of raw materials and to develop a circular model that can bridge the gap between the manufacturing and recycling industries.
The recycling of PV panels is not easy, leading to an irreversible loss of valuable raw materials. The project, in which bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH is a partner, aims to show that innovations can offer solutions for high-quality recycling.
PHOTORAMA is doing pioneering work
The aim of the project is to develop advanced recycling technologies for photovoltaic (PV) panels. It focuses on creating a sustainable future by promoting a circular economy model and creating a robust market for secondary raw materials in Europe. bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH is supporting the project with life cycle analyses. In addition to the creation and evaluation of various scenarios, data sets such as life cycle inventories for e.g. RMIS are created. Furthermore, waste streams and market data are collected, classified and evaluated, and the achievement of an improved circular economy is measured with an indicator.
A pilot plant with the process steps of skimming, delamination and recovery is currently being set up in Saxony-Anhalt.