note | 27.01.2020

Plastic waste as a source of raw materials – what happens to bottles and films?

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Since 1 January 2019, the new Packaging Act (Verpackungsgesetz – VerpackG) has been in force in Germany, and it contains recycling quotas for improved reuse of packaging waste. It is therefore necessary to reuse a higher proportion of packaging. After sorting the waste into the separate fractions, secondary raw materials result, from which numerous products can be made, which means less impact on the environment and a reduction in energy consumption.

The radio broadcaster Bayern 2 produced a podcast on this topic for the “IQ – Science and Research” series (“IQ – Wissenschaft und Forschung”), in which bifa Umweltinstituts participated, and it was broadcast on 7 January 2020.

To the podcast/24 min.  

plastic waste

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:
Dr. Siegfried Kreibe