Potential hydrogen production through gasification of commercial waste
bifa presents study results

Is it possible to produce hydrogen from commercial waste if it is not recycled? The best method for this is gasification – a thermochemical process in which a carbon-containing input material is converted into a product gas at temperatures between 500 °C and 1,200 °C. The results of a recently completed study show that hydrogen can be produced from commercial waste if it is not recycled.
The potential of such hydrogen production is being explored in a recently completed study. The study comprehensively analyses volume potentials, suitable waste flows and gasification technologies, the state of development, greenhouse gas effects as well as the challenges and opportunities of implementation. The project, in which bifa is cooperating with KUMAS Kompetenzzentrum Umwelt e. V., is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection.
The main challenge for implementation is the as yet unproven economic feasibility under local boundary conditions. Further research and development are needed. Legal issues also need to be clarified. Key opportunities lie in the climate protection potential, as gasification enables a higher hydrogen yield compared to waste incineration with downstream electrolysis.