bifa-aktuell | 21.12.2022

Project start: Climate reporting of SMEs

Seeing sustainability reporting as an opportunity

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© Photo: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH

To strengthen non-financial reporting, in 2014, the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) was introduced and was transferred into German law with the approval of the CSR Directive Implementation Act. The current draft of the CSRD has an extended scope from 2024 and more stringent reporting obligations, which will also affect many SMEs. 

The CSRD offers companies the opportunity to analyse and strategically realign their own management and production, for example, to be more circular and resource-efficient. Industry and trade increasingly expect to receive sustainability information on products from their suppliers, which means that this information can make an important contribution to corporate communication.

Successfully organising the sustainability information disclosure obligations in SMEs too

As part of the KliK collaborative project – “Climate reporting in SMEs”, together with the BF/M-Bayreuth and the University of Bayreuth, bifa examined existing frameworks in order to develop standardised , proactive data acquisition and measurement models, which are based on the needs and possibilities of SMEs. The project kick-off event was held in Bayreuth on 07 December 2022.