bifa-aktuell | 15.12.2020

Recyclability of packaging

The German Packaging Act obliges the so-called "dual systems" (waste collection and recovery systems) to give preference to recyclable packaging rather than non-recyclable packaging in their licence fees.

bifa Umweltinstitut, together with the dual system Interseroh, developed an assessment method for this in 2018. This method is improved continuously. It has now been updated on the basis of the minimum standard published on 01/09/2020 by the Central Agency Packaging Register ("Zentralen Stelle Verpackungsregister").

From bifa’s point of view the minimum standard of the Central Agency is very helpful as a uniform framework for all dual systems and distributors of retail packaging. The minimum standard is a binding rule for the uniform assessment of recycling-critical packaging designs.

bifa welcomes the updating of the minimum standard, which takes into account new developments and knowledge. An indispensable precondition for recyclability is the existence of a sorting and recovery infrastructure, which allows high-quality recycling of the packaging material. The updated minimum standard reiterates that only limited capacities are currently available for high-quality recovery of packaging made of polystyrene, composite paper-based packaging and small, flexible packaging made of polyolefins. Limited recyclability must therefore be assumed for such packaging.

bifa will be pleased to help you to assess the recyclability of packaging and to identify appropriate potential for improvement. It must be noted, however, that the assessment of recyclability does not cover all aspects of sustainable packaging design. Life-cycle assessments enable a more comprehensive assessment here. Life-cycle assessment is one of the core areas of bifa’s work. We have been producing life-cycle assessments for all kinds of different packaging for many years.

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:

Thorsten Pitschke