note | 02.02.2017

Redelegation of waste management tasks

When selecting external consultants to provide project support and information for the conceptual and implementation phase, the Landkreis chose the consultant engineers AU Consult from Augsburg in cooperation with bifa. First a concept will be drawn up for the redelegation of waste management tasks and then discussed and further developed together with municipalities, towns, cities and markets within the district. This is to be achieved through information events with the stakeholders. From this, a concept will be drawn up for the takeover of the recoverable material depots, which form the backbone of recoverable material collection in the rural district Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land.

Further, a concept will be worked up for introducing the biobin and the charge calculation will be adjusted to the new structures. The results are incorporated into waste management and charge bylaws. Finally, services that are to continue to be provided by the municipalities, so-called existing services, will be defined and safeguarded contractually. All concepts worked up will include a concept for PR work during the project period. The project support is to be provided in 2017 and 2018 through to 2019.