Reprocessing slags from waste incineration plants
After analysing and evaluating existing and new industrial technologies for efficient reprocessing of slags from waste incineration plants, a system proposal for economically and ecologically optimised recovery of bottom ash. Each of the studies for further improvement of the existing processes in detail, mainly pays attention to the achievable savings in valuable end storage (landfill) space:
- Evaluation of data on the quantities and qualities of the mineral slag fractions (approx. 85 %) and the ferrous and non-ferrous metal separation results and
- Possibilities for further recovery of the reprocessed slags via the tried and tested recovery channels as waste material, in addition to filling and landfill site construction.
In addition, the potential for joint, improved reprocessing and marketing of the slags will be examined. A proposal will be drawn up for optimised reprocessing of the bottom ash and the potential of usable fractions with optimum metal yield, recovery of the mineral constituents and costs in a location-specific consideration. It is being checked whether an efficient, central high-tech plant could possible produce further economic and ecological advantages.