bifa-aktuell | 09.03.2020

Resource efficiency in the Bavarian trades

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Resource efficiency is an important contribution to environmental protection and at the same time helps to increase competitiveness. However, until now it was not known whether and to what extent the Bavarian trades were considering this topic.

Therefore, on behalf of the Bavarian State Environmental Agency (LfU) and in cooperation with the Bavarian Chamber of Trades, bifa carried out a representative survey of companies in eight trades on handling material and raw materials.

The results show that material efficiency plays a role in all the trades examined, in particular for bakers, joiners and in the main building trades (roofers, carpenters, bricklayers and concrete operatives); while it plays somewhat less of a role for installers and heating installers, precision mechanics and metalworkers. It is also worth noting that the role of material efficiency is independent of the size of the material costs share in the respective trade. Instead, it is aspects such as image and customer requirements, as well as legal requirements that play an important role. Nevertheless, potential savings were seen in all trades, in all areas covered in the survey, starting with the material selection as well as in the reuse or recovery of residual materials.

The interviewees therefore also found measures for the reuse and recovery of residual materials, improvement of storage conditions, transport logistics and the ordering processes as well as customer advice and employee involvement to be particularly helpful in improving material efficiency. On the other hand, external consultants and grant schemes were considered to be less helpful. Differences between the trades were also seen in the type of measures used:

  • Employee focus, especially among carpenters, joiners and installers
  • Customer focus, especially among precision mechanics and metalworkers.

The study also shows the limits to implementation: Above all, these are reasoned in the already achieved exhausting of possible savings, as well as in the lack of skilled personnel or low interest, or other priorities. The quality standard of the trade is particularly important: "Quality is when the customer comes back and not the product".

You want more information?
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Dr. Kerstin Dressel