note | 03.02.2020

Rubbish – or does it still have value? (“Ist das schon Müll – oder doch noch was wert?”)

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On 27 January 2020, the following topics were handled under the title “Rubbish – or does it still have value?”:

  • Rescue resources: What can be got out of rechargeable batteries
  • Collect better: Why correct waste separation is important
  • Throw less away: How repairing is fun
  • Safe landfill: What happens to toxic residual materials

Dr. Siegfried Kreibe of bifa Umweltinstitut Augsburg, an expert on the recycling of Li-ion batteries, was involved.

About the programme:
„Ist das schon Müll – oder doch noch was wert?“ (Rubbish – or does it still have value? (29:05 min.)

Detailed information on the topic: “Rescue resources: What can be got out of rechargeable batteries” can be found on BR24

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:
Dr. Siegfried Kreibe