Strategies for adapting to climate change

Bayerische Oberlandbahn GmbH (BOB), which operates the Meridian railway, bifa and the University of Munich determined such measures scientifically. This collaboration was funded by the Federal Ministry of the Environment. The following questions were answered in expert interviews, passenger and employee surveys and workshops: What are the climate trends within the Meridian’s area? What effects have the climate trends for passengers, employees and Meridian trains? In which areas should Meridian take action?
The results were presented on 4 July on the Wendelstein Mountain. The brochure "Climate change – adaptation strategies for Meridian" ("Der Klimawandel – Strategien zur Anpassung für den Meridian") was also produced for this purpose ( It contains 53 specific measures with which BOB can respond to climate change. It includes those that lie solely within the influence of BOB, but also those in which several local rail transport players have to work together. Several of the measures within BOB’s area of responsibility are already being tackled: For example, employees are being trained to handle extreme weather events better, to further optimise communication with passengers in these cases. BOB is also working on a computer information system, which supplies travellers with up-to-date information about weather conditions and if necessary provides information about alternative options.
bifa will soon be providing complete documentation of the research results under: