bifa-aktuell | 17.04.2024

Sustainable processes are the future: socially, ecologically and economically

Action based on strategic decisions

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© [Translate to Englisch:] Foto: Studio

Companies and local authorities are usually plagued by high costs. Even simple efficiency measures, such as better management, more flexible organisation or innovative technologies, can result in significant cost savings. Against the backdrop of rising prices and the increasing scarcity of various raw materials, it is becoming more and more interesting to recognise and implement potential savings.

Alternative courses of action in terms of resource efficiency can optimise production ecologically and economically - potential is usually available. It is also necessary to analyse the material flows within the process. This can also ensure the long-term strengthening of competitiveness by increasing performance and reducing the burden on the environment.

Thinking in life cycles

We regard life cycle thinking as the basis for ecological decisions and contribute to integrating this knowledge into science, business, politics and society. Using state-of-the-art expertise, we develop scientifically sound strategies for a circular economy.

We map solutions

  •     Life cycle inventory and impact assessment
  •     Life cycle gap analysis
  •     Eco-efficiency analyses
  •     Recyclability and circularity indices
  •     Development of measures