Textile cycles and sustainability - bifa is a partner at Recycling Atelier
Every year around five million tons of used textiles accumulate worldwide. Of this, only about 1% is recycled - over 70% is energetically utilized or landfilled. The Recycling Atelier of the Augsburg Institute for Textile Technology (ITA) and the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences is the world's first model factory dedicated entirely to the sustainable material cycle in textile production. It is the center for research and development along the entire textile recycling value chain.

Upcycling and Design4Recycling of old textiles
The cycle begins with the analysis of the old textiles and, via the sorting and processing of materials, ultimately leads to the textile processing and design of new products - also using artificial intelligence. The Recycling Atelier focuses on the high quality of the products (upcycling) and the recycling-friendly basis for the next product generation (Design4Recycling) and at the same time lays the foundation for a new concept for training and further education in a learning factory. New products, concepts and processes are developed in the Recycling Atelier, which are intended to optimize textile recycling technically, economically and ecologically.
bifa actively supports the Recycling Atelier as a research partner and looks forward to exciting joint research projects.
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Dr.-Ing. Fatah Naji