note | 16.03.2023

Textile waste – energetic recovery or material recycling?

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Together with the ITA Augsburg, we examined which basic conditions must exist so that the utilisation of textile waste can also succeed in Bavaria. 

The available methods for material recycling currently only indicate a potential for economic and industrial implementation in mechanical recycling. However, it is to be expected that the quantity of textile waste that cannot be recycled as material will increase due to “fast fashion”. High-quality utilisation of this textile waste is therefore required in the coming years.

Utilising the hydrogen potential of textile waste in Bavaria!?

The hydrogen potential of textile waste that cannot be recycled determined for Bavaria is around 70,000 t/a. This produces a hydrogen potential of around 5,600 t/a (around 0.2 TWh) with a value of approx. 14 million €/a. Related to the forecast hydrogen demand in Bavaria of 10 TWh/a from 2030, the textile gasification can therefore only make a small contribution. 

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:

Dr. Fatah Naji

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note | 17.04.2023 Waste Avoidance: A “Vision Possible”