The new district heating network in Weißenhorn was officially opened

A bifa project development replaces 740,000 litres of heating oil annually with "waste not want not heat"
A "convincing combination of economy and ecology" is how the Neu-Ulm disctrict administrator, Landrat Thorsten Freudenberger, described the new district heating supply in Weißenhorn. After several failed starts in recent decades, a great success has now been achieved.
Since 24 October 2017, the waste-fired cogeneration plant (waste CHP) in Weißenhorn has supplied part of the Fugger town via a district heating network. Construction phase (BA) 1 has now been officially opened by the vicar Andreas Erstling (Evangelical) and the priest Daniel Rietzler (Catholic).
The 2nd construction phase will be completed at the end of 2018. Around 60 buildings will then be heated with the waste heat of the waste CHP: private households, public facilities and the
operating premises of firms such as PERI.
For the district administrator, Landrat Thorsten Freudenberger, one thing is already certain: "With the largest climate protection policy project in the history of Landkreis Neu-Ulm, we are making a quantum leap in climate protection and resource-saving energy supply.
Prof. Dr. Rommel left no doubt that humans are responsible for climate change. The district heating supply with the waste heat of the waste CPH in Weißenhorn is "an ideal opportunity to use energy that exists anyway in a meaningful way". The "greatest possible ecological effect" could be achieved with such "waste not want not heat".
Rommel appealed to all citizens of Weißenhorn, to have their house or apartment connected to the new district heating network operated by the Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm (SWU) public services: "Do something good for yourself, your children and your grandchildren!"
The project has been gradually developed by bifa since 2014. bifa’s project manager Markus Hertel took over management of FWW GmbH on 1 September 2018.