bifa-aktuell | 08.03.2018

The next climate protection steps

Energy use plan for Unterschleißheim

The topic of energy has long since been addressed by the town of Unterschleißheim. After the town of Unterschleißheim, as a pioneer of district heating from geothermal energy, passed the first political resolutions regarding this in 1999, in 2003 it began supplying the grid with its whollyowned subsidiary Geothermie Unterschleißheim AG (GTU). With this act, it helped renewable energy to emerge from the infancy stage, especially in the Southern Germany region.

A further important step towards achieving climate protection goals and implementing the turn of energy policies was taken with the preparation of an energy use plan.

The energy use plan summarises the results of the evaluation of Unterschleißheim’s energy infrastructure in a prepared and legible form. It is an important planning instrument to purposefully coordinate development of renewable energy, to push ahead with optimisation of heat use and to promote energy saving and efficiency measures and to bring them together in an integrated overall concept.

The conceptual consideration showed that, when developing the measures, the town of Unterschleißheim should concentrate on the following points, to achieve further advances in handling energy and to make a contribution to climate protection. The developed measures can be divided into two areas:

Areas in which the town can implement measures directly:

> Control, accounting and reduction of consumption in municipal properties

> Creation of the basic conditions for development of renewable energy

Measures that the town can help to create indirectly:

> Support for the development and use of renewable energy

> Support for creating and improving awareness and for energy saving

Starting from the areas described above, measures were developed and worked up. The greatest options for the town to act for climate protection and to develop renewable energy lie within the area of the district heating network and adaptation and extension of the producer situation for district heating.

A strategically planned development of the district heating system enables this central energy infrastructure to be organised, created and pushed ahead actively.

This is based on a detailed study of the producer situation, taking into consideration different technologies for additional heat production depending on the development goals of the GTU. At the same time, different influencing variables such as the primary energy factor of the heat supply, the annual load duration curve and heat prices must be examined.