Transport sector is preparing for climate change
Since February 2016, the effects of climate change have been analysed, passengers and employees surveyed, and representatives from industry and politics have also been involved, so that the Meridian brand of BOB can successfully counteract the climate consequences. Meridian rail services run between Munich, Holzkirchen, Rosenheim and Salzburg/Kufstein. An average temperature rise of 3–4°C is expected in this region by the middle of the century. The associated increase in summer and hot days and extreme weather events has significant effects on Meridian: On the risk side, for example, there is storm damage and the impairment of employees’ and passengers’ health during hot summers. Yet positive effects are also to be expected, such as fewer technical problems in milder winters or greater demand for leisure traffic due to an extended summer season.
Through interviews and workshops within internal and external experts, measures individually tailored to Meridian were developed, which will be brought together to form a comprehensive adaptation concept by the end of the project in April 2017. The aspects covered range from information management to technical and organisational adaptations and employee protection measures through to adjustments to the services offered in cooperation with regional transport and leisure providers.
After the end of the project the adaptation concept can also serve as an example for other companies in the transport sector, on how to make themselves fit for the challenges of climate Change.