press release | 07.03.2013

Unusual target markets for German environmental technologies: State Minister Thomas Kreuzer speaks at a Recycling Technologies Bayern event

The event entitled "Developing countries and emerging nations as target markets for German environmental technologies" will be opened by Walter Ernst, the Chairman of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce environment and energy committee. Professor Dr. Wolfgang Rommel, Managing Director of bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH, will give an introduction to the topic. He will be followed by State Minister and head of the Bavarian State Chancellery who will present his talk on "International cooperation – Bavaria offers resource-efficient solutions". Tanja Gönner, in her function as the Executive Board spokesperson of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) will be attending as a guest speaker. Her talk is entitled "Strengthening German environmental technologies and promoting sustainability". Rudolf Erhard, a journalist with the Bayerischen Rundfunk broadcasting company, will be the moderator for the event.

Dr Peter Kulitz, President of the Baden-Württemberg Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce, will give insights into practical situations. As a managing shareholder of Esta Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG, one of the leading companies in extraction technology, Dr Kulitz is an active member of Recycling Technologies Bayern. S+S Separation and Sorting Technologies GmbH is also a member of the network. The company produces detectors, separators and sorting systems. Peter Mayer, Managing Director of S+S, will be giving a report on his experiences in which he will show concepts and solutions that have already been implemented internationally. Not only the Executive Board spokesperson Tanja Gönner will be representing the GIZ: Detlef Schreiber, Helma Zeh-Gasser and Stefan Mager will also be sharing their knowledge of development partnerships and experience acquired from international cooperation with emerging nations with the participants and will be presenting project cooperations such as the German climate technology initiative (DKTI). Presentations will also be given on a business platform in Mexico and concepts for sustainable development in Asia. The practical panel "Development partnerships with industry" and the "Waste management best practice platform" round of the methodological part of the event.

Legal and financial fundamentals of international projects

The second component of the event, in the afternoon, will concentrate on the legal and financial aspects of international cooperation projects. For example, Michael Sumser of the German KfW development bank will be giving a talk in which he will deal with international calls for tender in the area of urban development. Matthias Klaholt of the trade credit insurance firm Euler Hermes will be explaining about the protection provided for capital deployed internationally. His talk is entitled "Hermes cover: Safeguards are indispensable! Export promotion – Safeguard – Market development". The event will end at around 16:30 with a get together, which invites participants to network.

About "Recycling Technologies Bayern"

Started up in 2010 by the bifa environmental institute, Recycling Technologies Bayern is a network for the recycling industry. The network now has 14 members. Its focal purpose is to concentrate experiences and know-how in all areas of recycling technology. Through cooperation between research, development and industry, Recycling Technologies Bayern can provide comprehensive consultant services from a single source, even for complex tasks. The aim is to market solutions produced together internationally. The following companies are members of the network:

  • AVA-Huep GmbH u. Co. KG, Herrsching
  • bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH, Augsburg
  • BHS-Sonthofen GmbH, Sonthofen
  • Erdwich Zerkleinerungssysteme GmbH, Kaufering
  • ESTA Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG, Senden
  • Entsorgungstechnik Bavaria GmbH, Unterschleißheim
  • Finsterwalder Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Bernau a. Chiemsee
  • Hamos GmbH, Penzberg
  • Huber Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Erding
  • HOSOKAWA ALPINE Aktiengesellschaft, Augsburg
  • Luft- und Thermotechnik Bayreuth, Goldkronach
  • RUF Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Zaisershofen
  • S+S Separation and Sorting Technology GmbH, Schönberg
  • TRENNSO-TECHNIK Trenn- und Sortiertechnik GmbH, Weißenhorn