note | 31.01.2018

Updating of the waste management concept

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© photo: Fotolia/fototheobald

Under the waste management law (KrWG), public waste management organisations (örE) must draw up waste management concepts and waste balances for the recovery, in particular the preparation for reuse and the recycling, as well as the removal of waste arising within their area and waste that has to be transferred to them. The waste management concept and waste balance requirements depend on the state law of the individual German federal states. Under the Bavarian waste management law, in a waste management concept, the entities responsible for disposal present the intended

  • measures for prevention,
  • for recovery,
  • in particular for preparation for reuse,
  • for recycling and
  • for removal

of the waste arising and to be transferred to them within their area for a period of seven years in advance.

The results of the work were presented to and discussed with the members of the working committee in a half-day workshop. Implementation of the update of the waste management concept is planned for 2018.