note | 20.07.2015

Virtual biomass depot for the Augsburg Region

The heart of the biomass depot is a self-contained concept for sustainable regional use and marketing of biomass in Landkreis Augsburg and beyond in the region through local players. Energetic use of the biomass potential on the basis of wood and regenerable raw materials at municipal level too will be optimised and better organised.

Project outline

The approach is based on a project outline worked up for the Kreisenergiewerke of Landkreis Augsburg between the end of 2013 and the spring of 2014. For optimised use of the biomass potential in the Landkreis, private, municipal and state forest owners were involved and a stakeholder analysis was carried out. Apart from managing parts of private forests by growing short-rotation woody crops (SRWC), potential can also be leveraged by controlling the usage paths of biomass – including landscape maintenance material and municipal green waste. Energetically usable biomass acquired in this way should then be used locally for energy generation.

Biomass depots for Greater Augsburg

Biomass depots have already existed for many years in several regions. In Greater Augsburg the players have not yet been able to reach an agreement, although most players in the region's market can see the opportunities and benefits of a regional biomass depot. Whereas in the past, larger biomass depots were built with appropriate storage capacities, the feasibility showed that more economic operation must be achieved through virtuality and networking of the players in the value adding chain. The objective of the Kreisenergiewerke was to integrate active regional players as much as possible, especially in the area of the production and initial treatment of biomass through to the integration of existing contracts for deliveries to biomass plants. An association with a large number of active regional partners along the entire value adding chain will be established in the next few weeks. Municipalities also have the opportunity to join.