note | 17.04.2023

Waste Avoidance: A “Vision Possible”

A vision, measures and a network for waste avoidance

The primary objective of the circular economy, in accordance with the waste hierarchy, is to avoid waste in order to conserve resources and to protect people and the environment. To strengthen waste avoidance in Baden-Württemberg, the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg engaged bifa to develop waste avoidance strategies.

Working with representatives of municipalities, companies, associations and initiatives, workshops and discussion events were held in which a vision for waste avoidance in Baden-Württemberg was developed. This was supplemented by fact sheets, in which selected waste avoidance measures are described. 
In addition, a catalogue with more than 200 measures was compiled, which can be used to realise the vision. Because in general, it is not individual waste avoidance measures that produce success, they frequently develop their effect only with their diversity and through synergies with others.

The brochure, “Vision Possible – Strategies for waste avoidance today and tomorrow” is planned for publication by 30 April 2023.

Strategies for waste avoidance today and tomorrow

The “Vision Possible” event was held on 8 March 2023 in Stuttgart. Dr Andre Baumann, State Secretary in the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg, welcomed the some 100 participants. Dr-Ing Fatah Naji opened with the keynote speech „By when will we have devoured the Earth”? and sensitised the audience to the finite nature of our resources. Prof Dr-Ing Carla Cimatoribus, Esslingen University, then presented basic conditions, with which the circular economy of tomorrow can be created. Numerous talks given by speakers from science and practice informed on the topic of waste avoidance. Alongside positive best practice examples of the AWB Bodenseekreis (Lake Constance District), the Consumer Advice Centre (Verbraucherzentrale) of Baden-Württemberg also presented negative examples. The RCBS repair café stimulated an exchange of ideas.  The open panel discussion showed how important the topic of waste avoidance is for our society. One visionary idea, which has already been implemented by the Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, is the library of things: Because less is more!

But a closing event does not mean the end: Work continues with the “Network for waste avoidance”, which has been brought into being by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg. If you would like to become part of the network, please contact us.


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