note | 31.07.2018

Waste heatreplaces 740,000 litres heating oil

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© from left: Alois Alt (Managing Director FWW GmbH), Evangelical vicar Andreas Erstling, Landrat Thorsten Freudenberger, Catholic priest Daniel Rietzler, Dr Wolfgang Fendt (Mayor of Weißenhorn), Markus Hertel and Professor Dr Wolfgang Rommel (both bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH); photo: Landratsamt Neu-Ulm Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

A “convincing combination of economy and ecology” is how Landrat Thorsten Freudberger called the new district heating supply in Weißenhorn. After several failed starts in recent decades, a great success has now been achieved: Since 24 October 2017, the waste-fired cogeneration plant (waste CHP) in the Eschach district of Weißenhorn has supplied part of the Fugger town via a district heating network. Construction phase (BA) 1 has now been officially opened by the vicar Andreas Erstling (Evangelical) and the priest Daniel Rietzler (Catholic).

The work on construction phase 2 is still in progress; it is due for completion at the end of 2018. Around 60 buildings will then be heated using the waste heat from the waste CHP: private households, public facilities and the operating premises of companies such as PERI. The “global player” from Weißenhorn also provides the backup supply, if the waste heat from the Eschach plant is not available, for example, due to inspection.

The major project was successfully completed because everyone pulled in the same direction and in doing so were highly motivated. This was the unanimous opinion of all speakers at the official opening of the 1st phase of the construction project on the site of the waste management company in Weißenhorn.

Despite the long and at times complicated laying of the district heating pipes, overseen by the Ingenieurbüro Stefan Sendl consultants from Peißenberg, according to the project manager Markus Hertel of bifa Umweltinstitut Augsburg, the current situation indicates that they will remain on schedule and within the budget.

Climate protection concerns every single citizen, pointed out bifa Managing Director Prof Wolfgang Rommel and appealed to all Weißenhorn residents to have their house or flat connected to the new district heating network operated by the municipal Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm (SWU): “Do something good for yourself, your children and your grandchildren!”


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© Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Rommel (bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH) gives a talk in the marquee; photo: Landratsamt Neu-Ulm Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
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© Welcome by Landrat Thorsten Freudenberger (Landrat of Landkreis Neu-Ulm); photo: Landratsamt Neu-Ulm Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit