Waste quantity forecasts
In particular, it has a general disposal mandate for the residual waste produced in the territorial areas of the member authorities. It not only has its own disposal facilities, but also uses contractually secured quotas in the Frankfurt and Offenbach waste CHP plants. A landfill site is available through a cooperation agreement for the disposal of non-combustible waste.
To identify early any deviations in the actual quantity of combustible waste produced for removal and possible free capacities in the fixed disposal quotas booked, each month from the April of the current year, the waste quantity is extrapolated by the RMA. In 2016, bifa was engaged to adapt the methods successfully applied to date to current and new challenges. Together with the RMA, in 2017, the adapted methodology was tested in parallel operation and the annual quantity projections were calculated.
Furthermore, waste management forecasts were produced for 2017, taking into account the altered basic conditions. In addition, a forecast of the medium-term waste quantities for 2018 to 2023 was generated. The last forecast of the waste quantities to be disposed of by the RMA was drawn up in 2014 as part of the waste management concept. It includes the period up to 2020. The existing forecast for the period 2018 to 2023 is to be used as the basis of medium-term planning.
Through the methodical further development of the quantity extrapolations during the year and a medium-term waste quantity forecast, together with the client, improvements have been made to important influencing factors for future challenges and medium-term planning.