note | 23.04.2015

ZDFzoom with bifa: As eco are Tetra Pak and Co.

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© [Translate to Englisch:] Dreharbeiten im bifa-Labor: Anita Gottlieb, Dr. Siegfried Kreibe im Gespräch mit Redakteurin Utta Seidenspinner

The shooting of the documentary series took placein the bifa laboratory by the end of 2014.

You have missed the first broadcast on 04/22/2015, 22:15-23:15?

The film is available in the ZDF media library:
bifa: 5:07 to 7:11 min.

In addition, there was sent a short filmin "Volle Kanne" (22/04/2015):
bifa: 2:19 to 3:17 min.