Climate protection in Landkreis Ostallgäu
In 2008, the climate protection resolution was passed with the objective of achieving 100% energy consumption covered by renewable energy in the long term. By 2020, the share of renewable energy is to be increased to 50 % in a first step.
Energy Future 2020 masterplan
To this end, in 2012, the "Energy Future 2020 masterplan" was approved, which contains the strategic orientation of the district's energy policy and specific projects for its implementation. Led by the district administrator, Landrätin Maria Rita Zinnecker, the climate committee together with the climate protection manager, develops energy policy measures and expedites their implementation. The energy and CO2 balance 2014 for Landkreis Ostallgäu shows that renewable energy accounts for 36 % of the district's total energy consumption. To achieve the Landkreis's targets by 2020, further efforts must be made in the energy segment and the masterplan mentioned above must be updated. In preparation for this, bifa evaluated the results achieved and the structures of the climate protection activities and compared them with "ideal climate protection activities", in order to point out further potential and, if applicable, to propose new ideas for measures in the context of the Landkreis.
The methodic approach included determining the basic scope and existing situation, four moderated group interviews, SWOT analyses for the aspects covered by the masterplan and developing recommendations for action. Summarising, two strategic approaches were derived as the priorities, which strengthen the topic of climate protection effectively:
• external strengthening of climate protection through PR work, networking work and intensification of educational offers
• internal strengthening of climate protection by developing a common understanding and strategic approach for the Landratsamt and policy (corporate identity)
In addition it is recommended that the aspects of mobility and local public transport be kept current and be developed.
The results report can be called up on the Landkreis's website.