Insight: Regional Heat Network as Seen in the Economic Region of Ulm and Neu-Ulm
Consequently, the two heat suppliers in the economic region Ulm/Neu-Ulm jointly asked the bifa Environmental Institute to compile, analyse, and evaluate the energy potentials in a study focussed on communal heat. The two heat suppliers are the Stadtwerke (Power Company) Ulm/Neu-Ulm GmbH (SWU) and the Communal Heat Company Fernwärme Ulm GmbH (FUG).
Our project partners were the German cities Ulm and Neu-Ulm. Both cities worked diligently on providing and evaluating the required data.
The study centred on developing measures, which will lead to the optimised heat/waste heat utilisation. For the purpose of the study, we imagined the existence of a Heat Provider Network consisting of the members SWU and FUG. We assumed this fictitious network to operate without the consideration of specific company interests like a superordinated heat energy association.
bifa Insight: Regional Heat Energy Association as Realised for the Economic Regions Ulm and Neu-Ulm – Now available as download! (in German only)