Risiken: rechtzeitig erkennen und sicher beherrschen.

Pollutants and hazardous substances can harm the environment and health, cause fires and endanger production processes. Stricter limits and other regulations require constant readjustment. Microbes cause hygiene risks and process disturbances. Risks must be recognised at an early stage and avoided or minimised where they are unavoidable. This is what the precautionary principle demands. Legislators, customers and citizens demand this.

We support you in your projects:

  •     Characterisation of emissions
  •     Microbiological analysis
  •     Assessment of hygiene risks
  •     Assessment of toxicological risks
  •     Advice on handling hazardous and pollutant substances
  •     Expert opinions on compliance with legal regulations and directives

Find out more about our solutions:

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project | 05.05.2023 Eco-PIK - Eco-efficient process-integrated sewage sludge recovery - Funding project

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project | 01.05.2023 Electronic nose finds unwanted biofilms in car air conditioning systems

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